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Birce Albayrak

Birce currently lives in Ankara and she is the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Advisor of TurkishWIN and supporting the Women Leadership Platform. 

Having more than 15 years of work experience with UN and EU projects, Birce Albayrak is working as a consultant and trainer on “Gender Equality, Community Building, Human Rights, Diversity and Social Inclusion”. 
Recently, she has completed her work as the facilitator for ILO C190 Campaign Working Group and actively involves in networking and trainings on Zero Tolerance for Violence and continues to support NGOs and private sector in developing and adapting their own policy papers on Gender Equality & Mainstreaming policies against violence and harassment. Besides her Political Scientist background with specific focus on women’s empowerment, Birce also works for projects on children and environment. 
She is also a certified yoga (Hatha, Vinyasa & Pre-natal & Kids) and English teacher and designed many bi-lingual creative art and yoga workshops for various focus groups of age. She professionally and voluntarily worked with kids with special-needs and their families at NGOs and schools. Interactive story-telling, laughter yoga, rhythm/ movement, music and breath exercises are some of the tools she uses in her workshops and trainings. Believing in the urgent necessity of a sustainable life, she embraces permaculture design and approach in her life and workshops. 

She is mother of a son, who inspires her in every way. She is a life-long learner as well as a PhD Candidate in Political Science at the Middle East Technical University (METU). Her thesis research also covers gender and politics in relation to development plans.

She always gives high importance to voluntary work and in her early life she was an active member in several NGOs such as AEGEE, TEMA and JICA supported Turkish-Japanese Student Community. She was also part of Anadolu Sanat Jam and supported voluntary activities for kids at TEGV and LÖSEV for several years. Currently she is an active supporter of the Gender Equality Commission at the METU Alumni Association and a learning member at AKUT and Four Seasons Ecological Life Association. 

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